The Flock Project – Vertical Dance
EVENT: Site-Specific Performance Festival
VENUE: Mama Shelter Hotel (Address: Veletržní 1502/20, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice)
PERFORMANCE DATES: 7 June 2019, 10:15 and 8 June 2019, 13:45
The team:
Artistic Manager, Vertical Dancer: Agnes Simor
Technical Manager, Vertical Dancer: Sophie Zoletnik
Vertical Dancers: Geret Gergely Kiss, Gaia Santuccio, Lennart Paar
Music: János Vázsonyi
Technician: Balázs Szabon
Description of performance:
The Flock Project is a collaboration between SimorÁg DanCircus and Firebirds Productions consisting of six core members, who all fell in love with turning the world on its side. On this newly discovered stage they perform their vertical dances, spinning, jumping, turning, and twisting through the air effortlessly. Coming from a variety of different backgrounds the flock draws from circus techniques, dance, live music, projection, or literature to tell their stories. The show was first envisioned with the live band Ferenczi György and the Rackajam, who’s unique style is laced with poems and lyrics creating an atmosphere that breaks conventional walls. In addition to common vertical dance techniques the group often uses pulley systems as well as bungee ropes, widening their range of expression. Vertical dance is a very powerful performance in itself but can also turn opening or closing ceremonies into a truly unique experience. As a flock of birds they rush above the audience. Jumping, twisting and turning, they tell their story on the walls of an old fort. There is nothing quite like the freedom of flying, enabling the audience to leave behind the limitations of everyday life, if just for a moment.